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Can you Co-exist when you have periods?

You have probably heard about the organisation Co-exist, Hamilton House's pioneering period policy, about providing work leave to women who are menustruating.

Everything needs to be planned around a period - clothing choices, diet, social plans and travel plans. But what about work? Even if you are doubly bent over in pain, or weak from the blood loss, you are expected to go to work.

But not everyone needs a day off, periods affect some more than others, so would it be beneficial to provide everyone with time off work if some are fit to work? And more importantly what about those who can't take time off, like homeless and vulnerable women. Rather than work they have to face, they have to face daily challenges including poor hygiene, lack of products availability, and lack of places to change towels and tampons (if they have them), health issues and no access to pain relief or a hot water bottle. Can we really moan that much?

We got in touch with Co-exist as we were intrigued to discover more about their new policy and how it wil work. Subsequently, we have been invited to speak at this event and discuss more about FlowAid.

We are excited about the event, and to find out more. We will keep you updated and let you know the outcomes.

Do you have any questions or comments that you would like to make? Contact us, and we will be sure to share!

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